Bill Blake Heritage Documentation will supply the tools, skills and data you
need for heritage documentation. The practice delivers support for
practitioners in archaeology and conservation recording with the following


Site evaluation

Recording technique estimation

Cost estimates


Working with partners in geomatics to supply:

Measured Drawing

3D wireframe capture

3D modelling

3D topographic survey

Measured Building Survey

Rectified photography

Architectural Analysis and Investigation
Extract from topographic survey for archaeological investigation and excavation. Provision of training
and workflow tool-set provided by BBHD. Skills and hardware transfer resolved data sets from GPS,
TST, site drawing, aerial imagery from KAP, UAV and standard aircraft. The survey integrated work
from a number of seasonal campaigns provided by the project team.
Extract from digital architectural survey delivery for conservation scheduling. Provision of method,
measured drawing and hardware by BBHD.
Extract from measured drawing. BBHD skills in measured drawing are inherited from the legendary
AMDO (HBMC's Ancient Monuments Drawing Office) No survey can be executed without recourse to
a number of techniques to resolve detail. For large scale architectural survey measured drawing is
essential to deliver the required quality. BBHD will train in measured drawing and its digitising as a
key component of metric survey.
Extract from template survey at 1:50 scale prepared by use of TheoLt (real-time reflectorless EDM)
and measured drawing. Attention to line weight, overhead detail and geometry deformation are key
aspects of heritage documentation. In commissioning survey work it is valuable to demonstrate the
required standard to a service provider, BBHD is happy to provide detailed briefs and templates for
critical survey work..